Opening Prayer For Program

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There is a lot to be said for tradition! Generations of worshipping congregations have included set prayers within the opening section of their weekly services. These generally cover the themes of adoration, thanksgiving and confession. And somehow that seems just right.

Why is that?

We begin our worship by reminding ourselves of how awesome our God is. We then thank him for what he has done for us, and this inevitably reminds us that we really do not deserve his mercy and grace. Which leads us to confession and accepting by faith the forgiveness that God offers to those who humbly come to him and acknowledge their faults.

Below are two sets of opening prayers. More are available in my ebook 'The Worship Leader's Little Helper'

Consider these words from Psalm 145
‘I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever’

(A moment of silence )
Creator God, we glimpse your beauty
in setting sun, mountain top, eagle’s wing.
We sense your power in thunder crash,
lightning flash and ocean’s roar.
Creator God we praise you
Precious Jesus, we see your love
stretched out upon a cruel cross.
We stand in awe at your sacrifice,
pure love poured out for humankind.
Precious Jesus we praise you
Holy Spirit, we see your power
in lives transformed, hearts on fire.
We listen for your still, small voice,
comforting, guiding, calling.
Holy Spirit we praise you

To my words ‘Every day I will praise you’ would you respond ‘And extol your name for ever’
From the moment we awake
to face the day ahead,
you are with us,
through good times and bad,
Your presence enough for our needs.
Every day I will praise you
And extol your name for ever
Through the hours of the day,
in our travels and work,
you are with us;
in decisions we must make,
Your wisdom enough for our needs.
Every day I will praise you
And extol your name for ever
As we lay down to rest
at the end of the day,
you are with us,
as we lay our fears at your feet,
Your peace enough for our needs.
Every day I will praise you
And extol your name for ever

A prayer of confession

Lord God, your love for humankind
present in the beginning of all things,
extends throughout history
and touches even my life.
Your love sees failings
and forgives.
Your love feels pain
and wipes away our tears.
Your love knows grief
and comforts the sorrowful.
Your love sees sin
and still loves the sinner.
Forgive us when we fail to live
lives that reflect your love.
Forgive us the many times
when we take for granted
all that you have done for us.
Transform us, through your Spirit,
and empower us to serve you,
this day and all days

Let us join together in the words that Jesus taught his disciples.
Our Father……….

Opening Prayers 2 – Theme 'God of all ages'

Listen to these words from Psalm 40
“I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”

To my words ‘God of all ages’ would you respond ‘Accept our sacrifice of praise.’

Eternal God,
it was your Spirit,
hovering over the waters
at the dawning of that first day.
It was your voice
echoing through the darkness,
that brought forth light.
God of all ages
Accept our sacrifice of praise
Eternal God,
it was your love
that birthed humankind,
and placed them in a garden.
It was your hand
that helped them to their feet,
each time they fell.
God of all ages
Accept our sacrifice of praise
Eternal God,
it was your prophets
who spoke forth your word,
to a rebellious generation.
It was your Son
who showed the depth of love
that will not let us go.
God of all ages
Accept our sacrifice of praise
God of life,
whose love enfolds us,
and spirit fills us,
we praise your holy name.
God of joy,
whose sunrise wakes us,
and sunset amazes us,
we praise your holy name.
God of hope,
whose promise sustains us,
and power upholds us,
we praise your holy name.
God of love,
whose patience humbles us,
and touch can heal us,
we praise your holy name.
God of peace,
who breaks down barriers,
and walls that divide us,
we praise your holy name.
God of eternity,
who has always loved us,
and by grace has saved us,
we praise your holy name

Spend a moment thinking about all that God is and has done for us, and consider your individual response to his grace.
God of all ages,
who from generation to generation
has heard the cries of your children
humbly seeking forgiveness,
and has welcomed sinners
back into your embrace,
hear the thoughts of our hearts,
examine our motives,
forgive us our faults,
of word and action.
We ask this through your Son,
who died that we might know
the true cost of forgiveness.

Let us join together in the words that Jesus taught his disciples.
Our Father……….

Opening Prayers 3 – A Celtic Theme

Listen to the words of the Psalmist
“The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.”
Psalm 29:3-4

To my words ‘The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad ‘would you respond ‘And the distant shores rejoice’
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The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
And distant shores rejoice
You who spoke this world in motion,
breathed life into each creature,
painted landscapes
in colourful hues,
you are our God.
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
And distant shores rejoice
You who bring to us each season
light and warmth, rain and sunshine,
and within the seed
a spark of life,
you are our God.
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
And distant shores rejoice
You whose love is beyond measure
and stretches throughout time,
from a garden in Eden,
to Gethsemene and beyond,
you are our God
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
And distant shores rejoice

By the word of our Lord the heavens were made
By the spirit of our Lord was life begun
By the wisdom of our Lord his laws were laid
By the love of our Lord was born his Son
By the grace of our Lord mankind was saved
By the power of our Lord the victory was won

A prayer of confession

Creator God,
forgive our moments of ingratitude,
the spiritual blindness that prevents us
from appreciating the wonder that is this world,
the endless cycle of nature,
of life and death and rebirth.
Forgive us for taking without giving,
reaping without sowing.
Open our eyes to see,
our lips to praise,
our hands to share.
May our feet tread lightly on the path we tread,
and our footsteps be worthy of following,
for they lead to you.

Let us join together in the words of the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father……….